
What We Do:

WVAMA provides up-to-date information to our members about key issues that impact West Virginia airports.

WVAMA sponsors an annual conference  which provides opportunities for learning about the latest issues affecting our airports, social interaction with fellow aviation professionals and discovering sources for aviation-related products and services. In addition, engineers have an opportunity to gain professional development hours through specially-created courses held during the conference.

WVAMA sponsors the West Virginia Aviation Hall of Fame and the West Virginia Aviation Wall of Valor. Each year, aviation pioneers are recognized for their contributions to the development, advancement and promotion of aviation in the State of West Virginia and for acts of valor in an aviation-related action. The honorees are recognized through a special award dinner and induction ceremony held concurrently with the annual Aviation Conference.

WVAMA provides internships and scholarships to students who have a dream to pursue a career in aviation.

WVAMA provides industry input into decisions affecting aviation and airports through communications with local, state and federal leaders. Through its membership base, the WVAMA has relationships with each legislator in the state, as well as West Virginia's congressional delegation.

For those wishing to become members, please complete the attached membership application.

Membership Dues (per year):

EXECUTIVE - Commerical Airport
100,000 or more enplanements - $750
50,000 - 99,999 enplanements - $400
less than 50,000 enplanements - $200

50,000 or more operations - $200
less than 50,000 operations - $150




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